
Hiking Route "Oreja de Burro"- Pico de la Zarza

Climb to the top of Fuerteventura

This hiking route, of medium/high level, will give you the opportunity to discover nature and landscapes from Fuerteventura, reaching the highest point of the island. Climb to the top of Fuerteventura.
After picking you up at the established time, we will go to the starting point of this route that will allows you to climb Pico de la Zarza, the highest mountain in Fuerteventura with its 807 meters, located in the South of the island, within the Jandía Natural Park. It is known by the Majoreros as Oreja Burro because, next to the Pico de La Palma, from a distance it recalls the shape of the ears of this animal.
Going up the leeward slope we will find sections that are a bit steep, but, once we arrive. 
At the top, the spectacular views will make us forget our tiredness. We'll be on the roof of the island, playing the sky with your hands and at our feet kilometers of wild beaches, Cofete and Barlovento, spotting the Jandía arch with its steep walls, remains of an ancient volcanic building.
After a rest and a few photos, we will begin the return to the starting point, which is done by the same path.

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