

Isla de Lobos: A trip to a unique volcanic paradise

Embark on an unforgettable adventure in Fuerteventura and discover the charms of Isla de Lobos, a natural haven of unique beauty, declared a Natural Park in 1994 for its high ecological and landscape value.
Your adventure will begin with a pick-up at your accommodation at the agreed time. Together we will head to Corralejo, a fishing village in the north of Fuerteventura. From there, a boat will take you to the nearby Isla de Lobos, located just three kilometers away. During the twenty-minute crossing, you will sail through crystal-clear waters that sparkle under the sun. As you approach your destination, you will be able to observe the silhouette of the island, crowned by the La Caldera volcano.
Upon arrival, the hike will take you along volcanic trails that wind through this unique oasis, allowing you to appreciate its rich biodiversity. The island is home to numerous endemic species and is an important sanctuary for migratory birds, making it a must-visit for nature lovers.
Your first stop will be La Calera Beach, a fine sand beach with turquoise waters and a place of great archaeological value. Here, you can feel history under your feet, as human presence has been documented since the 1st century BC, with vestiges of Roman settlements that exploited its resources.
Next, you will ascend La Caldera volcano, an ancient volcanic cone. This natural viewpoint, 124 meters above sea level, will give you breathtaking panoramic views of the island and you can enjoy a 360-degree view that encompasses the island of Fuerteventura, Lanzarote and the vast Atlantic Ocean.
Your route will continue to the Martiño Lighthouse, one of the oldest lighthouses in the Canary Islands, a historic structure built in 1865. This lighthouse, which is still in operation, was a crucial landmark for sailors navigating these waters. Here, you can take a break, admire the landscape, observe the neighboring island of Lanzarote and a small nearby lagoon.
Culminate your experience in the picturesque fishing village, a charming seaside town that preserves the essence of the island. Here, you can enjoy free time, strolling through its narrow streets, savoring the local gastronomy or simply refreshing yourself with a swim in the crystal-clear waters that surround the island.

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